Archive for the tag: Abrasions

Abrasions Spanish

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Este video contiene instrucciones de cuidado posterior (básicamente las instrucciones que recibiría después de ver a su médico o proveedor) . Estas instrucciones no pretenden sustituir la atención médica y sirven un propósito educativo solamente. Si usted desea ser voluntario para traducir esta información en otro idioma , por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros en nuestro sitio web,
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Wound Management Home Skills Program: Caring for Lacerations and Abrasions

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Demonstrates the care of lacerations , punctures and stab wounds, scalp wounds, bites, skin tears, abrasions, and the warning signs of infection or non-healing.
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Healing Corneal Abrasions | Dr. Alan Mendelsohn

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Corneal eye abrasions can be very painful. Fort Lauderdale ophthalmologist Dr Alan Mendelsohn discusses how the eye recovers and heals from one.
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The human body can do some really incredible things. If you think about a typical scrape or a cut, it can go from bleeding to fully healed in less than a month. That’s pretty amazing. However, some conditions can interrupt your body’s natural healing process, resulting in chronic or non-healing wounds.

Learn more about advanced wound healing at

Washington Hospital Healthcare System and ABC 7 San Francisco have partnered to present Bay Area Healthier Together, a new health advocacy and education program dedicated to building a stronger, smarter and healthier community across the Bay Area.