Archive for the tag: Resistance

Abrasion resistance – defined

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Abrasion resistance refers to the property of a printing plate, this means the plate, is able to resist rubbing, without its surface being worn away. – created at
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Step by Step Procedure for Abrasion Resistance Test of Cement Concrete Paver Blocks

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A test method for determining the ability of concrete paver blocks against erosion, friction, and abrasion.

Mono vs Fluoro: Abrasion Resistance Test (Shocking Results)

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This will make you question everything you’ve heard about the strength of fluoro line over mono line…

To see the full line strength test, click here:

Is Fluorocarbon Leader More Abrasion Resistant Than Traditional Mono Leader?

In this latest fishing line test, we put 20lb fluorocarbon leader line up against 20lb traditional monofilament leader line to see which one had the most abrasion resistance.

For years, we just assumed that fluoro line would be stronger and much more abrasion resistant than mono line (because that is what the line manufactures have led us to believe), but we had never seen any real proof.

So we decided to put the two lines in a head-to-head test to see which one would last the longest against sandpaper (similar to the mouth of a snook).

The results kind of shocked us.

Check out what happened and let us know what questions you have and any other ways we can improve the experiment.

To see the full blog post, click here:

Is Fluorocarbon Leader More Abrasion Resistant Than Traditional Mono Leader?

For more saltwater fishing tips, click here:

TABER Test (Abrasion Resistance)

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The TABER Abraser (Abrader) is used to perform accelerated wear testing. Referenced in numerous international standards, materials include plastics, coatings, laminates, leather, paper, ceramics, carpeting, safety glazing, and many others. Simple to operate, the Taber Abraser is capable of providing reliable data in a matter of minutes compared to the years that may be required by in-use testing.

Fine Ceramics Characteristics Video: Abrasion Resistance

Scratch experiment to test abrasion resistance: Fine Ceramics VS Glass
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